Cyberwar between the United States and China

This will be the new “Cold War 2.0”, i.e. a series of IT, economic and industrial guerrilla warfare actions, and of actions of defamation – specifically at military level – of confidential information to be stolen from the enemy in a tenth of a second, as well as of cultural manipulation and – eventually, but only in the end – of fake news.

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L’Ipocrisia della decadente “Democrazia Occidentale” ricattata dalle corrotte monarchie del Golfo Persico dei doppiogiochisti sultani dei petrodollari.

by Tyler Durden   Domanda n.1 Come mai un quotidiano finanziario come il Financial Time, solitamente progressista rispetto alle tesi conservatrici del Wall Street Journal, se ne esce con un editoriale a firma […]

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